I decided to suck it up and buy a second skein of Colinette's Jitterbug yarn in Popsicle...and since it was only the very tip of my right sock I needed to finish, I have enough a second pair of socks; maybe I'll knit some anklets in the future?
Until then, I'm just happy to have these babies all finished up.

Though in the future, if I ever do the pattern again...I'd probably alter the toe so that I'd be able to just draw the yarn through the remaining stitches instead of grafting. Yech.
There's so many things I'd like to write about and post pictures of, but this week has been insanely busy. I relatives from south Florida who are currently at their vacation home up here, and we've been doing alot of things with them. And when we're not, my family and I are out and about, enjoying the last leg of summer. Today has been one of the more peaceful days for me. Hopefully I can get some snapshots up soon, before saturday at least... when both my spinner's guild meeting AND last summer contra dance just happen to coincide.
Gah, I need to do so much before my courses start up again. I need to call up financial aid and make sure all my loans and scholarships and stuff are in. I need to see when I have to attend the student work-study workshop. I need to get my books. I need to contact disabilities and get my tardy exemption sheets and e-books. I need to get art supplies. I need to figure out where the heck my classes are going to be held....
But this blog is a HAPPY place, so I need to get away from the boring university moaning and back to art and knitting.
I finished the choker, and next time I write of it, there will be pictures and a free pattern to boot.
-The Bloated Ewe
There's so many things I'd like to write about and post pictures of, but this week has been insanely busy. I relatives from south Florida who are currently at their vacation home up here, and we've been doing alot of things with them. And when we're not, my family and I are out and about, enjoying the last leg of summer. Today has been one of the more peaceful days for me. Hopefully I can get some snapshots up soon, before saturday at least... when both my spinner's guild meeting AND last summer contra dance just happen to coincide.
Gah, I need to do so much before my courses start up again. I need to call up financial aid and make sure all my loans and scholarships and stuff are in. I need to see when I have to attend the student work-study workshop. I need to get my books. I need to contact disabilities and get my tardy exemption sheets and e-books. I need to get art supplies. I need to figure out where the heck my classes are going to be held....
But this blog is a HAPPY place, so I need to get away from the boring university moaning and back to art and knitting.
I finished the choker, and next time I write of it, there will be pictures and a free pattern to boot.
-The Bloated Ewe
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